Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Stone Street, Available Now

Just a note about the newest Stone Street: last week I spoke with some members of the Junior Professionals Program instituted by Invest Lithuania and the Lithuanian Ministry of Economics.  The program (known as JPP) brings young Lithuanians who've graduated from universities in North America, Europe and elsewhere, back to Vilnius to work in various ministries of the Lithuanian government for one year.  I met several of the program participants at an event in Vilnius during the summer, and was sufficiently impressed to invite some of them to a sort of panel discussion of their experiences prior to and at the outset of their year of government service.  The panel participants were +Paulius Vertelka, a recent graduate of the University of Illinois-Chicago, GintarÄ— JanulaitytÄ—, who holds a master's degree from the University of Hawaii-Pacific, and +Milda Darguzaite, who lived in the U.S. for sixteen years before returning to Vilnius to work as a special adviser to the Minister of Economics, and who, in that capacity, essentially created the JPP program out of whole cloth.  All in all, an interviewer couldn't have asked for a funnier, more thoughtful, more exciting or dynamic panel.  Click here to listen or sign up for the Stone Street podcasts, or click to the right for an RSS feed of the show, and hear what the future sounds like.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stone Street Conversation with Brent Glass

Just a note that, after an extended hiatus, Stone Street is back.  Last weekend we had the pleasure of spending some time with Dr. Brent Glsass, Director Emeritus of the +Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.  Dr. Glass was in Lithuania to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by museums around the world in the 21st century.  After his final day of official visits, we had dinner with him in Vilnius, and let the recorder roll while we ate and talked.  The result is a little different from our earlier Stone Street Q and A sessions, but it should be a lot of fun.  As ever, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, listen here, or click on the RSS feed to the right of this post.  Happy listening.